MARCH MADNESS!!! MAD ABOUT MARCH!!! Check it, vote it, see picture! VOTE FOR FUN AND MORE FUN!!! As for this comic… Hey, we got to 800. That’s something. I’ve been sick as a dog all weekend. So most of this […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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MARCH MADNESS!!! MAD ABOUT MARCH!!! Check it, vote it, see picture! VOTE FOR FUN AND MORE FUN!!! As for this comic… Hey, we got to 800. That’s something. I’ve been sick as a dog all weekend. So most of this […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
MARCH MADNESS!!! MAD ABOUT MARCH!!! Check it, vote it, see picture! VOTE FOR FUN AND MORE FUN!!! As for this comic… I got it done and posted on time this week. That’s something.
MARCH MADNESS!!! MAD ABOUT MARCH!!! Check it, vote it, see picture! VOTE FOR FUN AND MORE FUN!!! In other news… Sorry for the late post. It’s been a bad week.
MARCH MADNESS!!! MAD ABOUT MARCH!!! Check it, vote it, see picture! VOTE FOR FUN AND MORE FUN!!! As for this comic… This one was a nice, simple palette cleanser after the last bunch of complex, action-packed comics. Just a small […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
MARCH MADNESS!!! MAD ABOUT MARCH!!! Check it, vote it, see picture! VOTE FOR FUN AND MORE FUN!!! As for this comic… This one almost killed me. It’s got the usual combination of some new background work, lots of characters, a […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
VALENTINE’S DAY … IS OVER BUT THAT WON’T STOP US!!! This one’s a rerun from many years ago. Check it out if you want! VOTE FOR HEARTS AND CHOCOLATE AND STUFF!!! As for this comic… It’s a comic. Took a […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
VALENTINE’S DAY APPROACHETH!!! Some Valentine’s Day stupidity on TWC. Check it out if you want! VOTE FOR HEARTS AND CHOCOLATE AND STUFF!!! As for this comic… You know what? I am finding out that drawing comics where things actually happen […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
VALENTINE’S DAY APPROACHETH!!! Some Valentine’s Day stupidity on TWC. Check it out if you want! VOTE FOR HEARTS AND CHOCOLATE AND STUFF!!! As for this comic… I finished this one exactly two minutes ago. I am exhausted.
IT’S TIME FOR A CLASSY (OLD) NEW YEAR!!! Formal dress! Fancy shmansy! It’s fancy sass from new year’s past! VOTE TO DRESS UP!!! As for this comic… Had to inject a bit more Puck into this Puck comic. So she’s […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
IT’S TIME FOR A CLASSY NEW YEAR!!! Formal dress! Fancy shmansy! VOTE TO DRESS UP!!! As for this comic… It sure is a comic all right. (I’m tired. Wish I had more to say. Wish my brain worked. It doesn’t […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…