This strip is #1 in the original run dating from my university days. Puck ran for three full years (1998-2001) in the Silhouette, McMaster University’s student newspaper. Apparently I had a fan base, though I seldom heard from them or met them.
As you can see, the art here looks a little dated. Some of this stuff was shaded on a 486(!) with 8 megs of RAM. Yeah, I’m serious.
This particular strip gets the series off to a rather dull start. I didn’t hit my stride until a bit later. Still, it introduces the main character and eases you into the strip’s slightly off-kilter sense of humour.
And yes, ‘lah ebba’ really is Old English.
Oh wow! I remember reading your comic in university! One of the best things about the Silhouette, hands down.
You know what that means? That means you’re the FIRST ORIGINAL READER I’VE EVER HEARD FROM outside of my university days. That’s crazy! That’s a rather special designation, I must say. You must have gone to Mac at some point in time between the years 1998 and 2001, then. Long time ago. Long (cough) time ago.
So I guess she’s less “I discovered this comic” and more “I REdiscovered this comic”, huh? 🙂
Mind blown
It only ever happened once.
Well at least you got one of you got one of your original readers
Today I shall begin the the greatest undertaking the world has ever not cared about. I SHALL post a minimum of one comment on every strip of the web-comic popularly known as “Puck,” unless I find something better to do, or just get bored. In the event that I should I run out of original material I reserve the right to resort to random statements, and/or musings in the style of “Greg White.”
My god. How could you afford a machine with 8 megs of ram? I had a 386 with 2 megs, and I thought I was living the high life! Windows 3.1 didn’t know what to do with it all until extended dos came out.
My first machine, purchased around 1995, had 8 megs of ram, a 420 megabyte hard drive and a whopping 15″ screen. It did not have a CD drive, nor did it have a sound card. Total price: $4200. It was my parents’ money, so that made things a little easier. But they were sold on the computer as a powerful learning tool. I was secretly desiring a computer as an upgraded gaming console.
What person able to fall in love with the original “SPACE INVADERS” didn’t?
I was not aware that my grandmother was Puck. Thank you for the information. It explains a lot. Especially about a couple of her really “odd” friends.
Well, we are here as a public information service. And you had to find out eventually.
Not the most promising of starts.
He says sitting at home at mid-day doing somethign similar.
Well, this is a tale of greatness that starts out not great. And doesn’t really get great at any time. So really, a tale of not greatness.
Granted, theses are fae so things like gender, species and shape are relative; isn’t puck a dude?
According to most sources, yes. But this comic posits that those sources were wrong.
Holy sh%@ this comic is from 1998! It’s almost as old as me!
I’ve been at this a while.