Puck is a weekly webcomic that, in the words of one fan, is "mostly irreverent humor concerning a pretty girl with freckles and a hot she-devil who wears fan-service costumes." Surreal fantasy slice-of-life crazy-type stuff about the world's funniest redhead! Updates Tuesday.
Well . . . Tracee has a point, mimosas are expensive . . . and after a long day thrifting, those are a necessity . . . I wonder if she could claim those as a business expense . . .
A teaspoon of tang mixed into 3 floz of Everclear is, I’m told, called an “Armenian Screwdriver”. I’m also told drinking one makes anyone better at billiards, but I remain skeptical.
There used to be two kinds of the ‘orange’ variety up here, one was almost tolerable but sickeningly sweet and thinning it with water didn’t help, the other was just vile, and the red kind…we’re still trying to forget that one, even the kids wouldn’t drink it when they were little.
You want cost and health effective, use Metamucil™ with any of the finest sparkling white wine that one can find at the corner convenience stores that may or may not offer the best in automotive supports and refined preproduction products.
Hey drinks are expensive. So you can’t blame her on that.
Also I hope you are doing well. I am sorry that you are having a difficult start to your week.
Yeah, thanks. Feel bad that it impacted the comic, but there you go.
Yep. She did a real solid there.
Well . . . Tracee has a point, mimosas are expensive . . . and after a long day thrifting, those are a necessity . . . I wonder if she could claim those as a business expense . . .
Everything can be claimed as a business expense, depending on the business.
Hmm. Is Satan just going to wander around in public dressed like that?
He’s a broken man. The world has to take him as he is.
Alt-Txt is dead-on. Similarly, Martini and Rossi Asti Spumanti with Tang.
it’s ok pal, we’ve all had weeks like that now and then. just take it easy ok?
I’ll try. Thanks.
EG, I hope things are getting better for you. Yeah, I think SunnyD tastes phony. Nowadays, I get tangerine juice from Trader Joe’s.
Tangerine juice from Trader Joe’s? Swanky.
@EG, yes I call it “TJ from TJ’s”. 😉 It’s less acidic than orange juice. The other supermarket I go to doesn’t even have it.
A couple of Mai-Tais made with Tang instead of Curacao will wash the bitter taste of shame from those fake Mimosas right out.
Tang? TANG? Horrifying.
Hey, I’ve drank it hot. He could do worse.
A teaspoon of tang mixed into 3 floz of Everclear is, I’m told, called an “Armenian Screwdriver”. I’m also told drinking one makes anyone better at billiards, but I remain skeptical.
That’s the best name for a drink ever. Terrible drink, but great name.
C’mon, Puck she’s the same person she always was. She just has money now. Not an INCOME, but money.
But a person is NEVER the same as person with money.
They sell Alcoholic Sunny D in the US now. I’m not sure who their target audience is though.
People who wouldn’t drink regular Sunny-D sober ?
There used to be two kinds of the ‘orange’ variety up here, one was almost tolerable but sickeningly sweet and thinning it with water didn’t help, the other was just vile, and the red kind…we’re still trying to forget that one, even the kids wouldn’t drink it when they were little.
There was a red kind?
I think we know their target audience. They tend to hang around certain parks. Full of trailers.
Where Tracee was born and bred…
You want cost and health effective, use Metamucil™ with any of the finest sparkling white wine that one can find at the corner convenience stores that may or may not offer the best in automotive supports and refined preproduction products.
ps. I hope that your doing better gecko.
Vodka and prune juice, the piledriver 🙂
This is useful when you have a case of the “piles”…
Ew. That’s the worst yet!
I hope your next weeks are better.
If the option is Sunny D mimosas I think I want no mimosas at all 🙁
You have good taste.
Given my tongue’s reaction to alcohol, I probably wouldn’t even notice the Sunny D.
Hope you’re holding up.
You’d notice.