What can I say? This joke is lame. I even tried to make a joke OUT OF the lameness of this joke, but I’ve since decided that making fun of your own lameness is kind of lame too. (Is it even politically correct to use the word “lame” this way anymore? I suppose not. That’s kind of lame too.)
Why stop there? So how far the lame-mocking hole goes. Then take one step beyond… or one limp, perhaps.
Making fun of lameness might be lame, which might be lame, ad-infinitum… but meta-humour is fully functional in its ambulatory ways.
Making jokes about how lame your jokes are is inherently lame. And now I’m making fun of that lameness. Which is lame.
i dont get it. the last panel i dont get.
Just Phoebe commenting on the horrible nature of Puck’s pun. A bit lame, really, but I still kind of like it.
aye, i got that…but Pucks comment in the fourth panel. and i havent a clue as to whom Nastrodamus was. so basically this whole strip confuses me.
Nostradamus was a guy who foretold the future in weird, obscure verses that spoke in metaphors. So he predicted things. Which is why she was too predictable.
okay now i get it. thanks.
heh at first i thought maybe Puck farted
Yeah, the body language is a little confusing in panel four.
Hey, if it was a couple guys talking about ex’s thinking they were predictable both interpretations at once work.
(Think and then I said, “pull my finger….”)
So many dimensions to this one (slightly substandard) joke!
Having to explain your own jokes is lame.
Oh come on. I only explained my joke, like, seven times in the comments. Too much?
To be honest, I didn’t get the joke the first time I read it because I didn’t catch Nostradamus’ name. Then, I re-read the strip and realized what Puck had said. THEN, I got it. (I know. I’m a bit slow on the upbeat sometimes.)
This one is so dumb, it’s hard to get.
Robin farted.
Puck is way ahead of Broom-Hilda in the dating game. BH married Ivan the Terrible
But really, was he THAT terrible?
That’s why they called him “hun”.
Wait, that was that other guy.
I feel all historical figures should have the suffix “the Hun” added to their names. It would make them cooler.
I hear Nostradamus made delicious jams. Seriously. I wonder if Puck took down any of his recipes.
One of the extremely rare strips where the characters’ inhumanness exists as anything more than a visual design!
I shall treasure this strip!
Yeah, this is one comic where I veered off course.