Mighty Marvel Marching Society get ready! It’s Marvel cosplay month! Vote for Puck on TWC to see a new Puck character try to do Marvel justice every week!


As for this comic…

I’m just going to state right here that it’s very hard to draw a gesture signifying that a person wants to draw on another person’s face, but doesn’t have the appropriate drawing utensil in hand. Just saying. I think I got it pretty right in panel four, though.

Some guys are freckle guys. Some are not. I am (unsurprisingly, I suppose) a freckle guy. I think the human race is sadly bereft of cool markings like stripes or spots or whatever, and freckles are the closest thing we’ve got. That said, freckles are not a required thing for me; I am not exclusively a freckle guy. Though given the fact that my wife is of the freckled variety, maybe I should say that I am exclusively a freckle guy, but then it sounds kind of weird, and…

I’m going to stop writing while I’m ahead.