The Puck peoples … as members of the Addams Family? It’s one crazy family dressing up as another crazy family! And it’s happening all throughout October! Ooh, and remember, this voting incentive was chosen by special fans who donate $5 or more a month! If you want to join their controlling ranks, HEAD ON OVER TO PATREON and join the select club!
As for this comic…
Does anyone ever get past eight on the countdown from ten? I know I didn’t.
Ok, That was good… I wish I could do that with MY customers!
and re the vote incentive, I like it but that image it’s starting to fester in the back of my head!
Yep. There are so many jobs that would be made easier if you could just apply some anesthetic to your problem.
In all fairness to the Doc, if you’re on the operating table, it really too late for questions and concerns, best let the doc do his job.
Yeah, now is not the time for this. This is the time for quiet, resigned dignity.
Meh, tell it to the people accusing Patrick Swayze of
Yu are supposed to do this before you sign the operative permit. Colin is just stalling
Yeah, when they’ve already got you in the operating theater, it’s WAY TOO LATE for this nonsense.
I guess Colin is a wait-to-the-last-minute kind of guy for, well, everything…
I had to count again. My body tends to fight against those things, whether I want it to or not, hence having anesthetic wear off halfway through extractions, or becoming conscious during surgeries.
Even though anesthesiologists max out whatever dosages they are allowed, for my physiology it’s never enough.
Whoa. You’re, like, a superhero or something!
Sounds like poor Miles is more likely under a Witch’s CURSE.
Waking up under anesthesia is no boon.
And I blame DAPHNE.
Somehow, Somewhere, She is responsible.
You would.
Whether Jackal, Hyena, or Domestic Dog, as a Cat, Canines such as Daphne are my Unnatural Enemy.
Humans don’t like them, either. As they say, Man’s Beast Fiend.
I just have extremely high tolerance for drugs, pain relievers, anything else. For some I have a paradoxical reaction (i.e. for sleeping type pills, they put me to sleep, but it’s a twitchy, unrestful kind of sleep and I wake up for any kind of disturbance at all, becoming an even lighter sleeper). For other things, it just requires a much greater dose for it to have full effects on me.
On the plus side, I am unlikely to ever become any kind of addict. On the minus side, there’s the waking up during surgery, novocaine wearing off way too quickly, and any medical professional being uncomfortable in giving me an effective dose of anesthetic or anything else.
So it’s a mixed blessing kind of super power.
On the plus, I can drink Mountain Dew before going to bed with no adverse affects from the caffeine whatsoever.
On the minus, I can wake up and get no real beneficial effects from caffeine the following morning (for example). Muscle relaxers have nliterally no effect whatsoever. I could probably list a bunch of things that don’t work the way they should with me, or at least not in dosages for normal people.
I’m not really sure how Daphne could be blamed for my unique biochemical composition. Not a curse… I’m kinda used to it, but not a huge blessing either.
I’m sometimes like that with certain things too, particularly caffeine. Puts me to sleep when I drink it in the afternoon. No one believes me, but it’s true.
It has been known for years that individuals have idiosyncratic reactions to drugs. Early writings on opioids (morphine in this case) describe, besides the usual somnolent, analgesic effect, as “the cat reaction” (hyperactive, oversensitivity) and the ‘dog reaction’ (nausea, dizziness, malaise). I’m lucky, I don’t have those 🙂
Doc Plessner may be a bit ruthless, but he is STILL a better doctor than the guy from the other hospital.
Well, yes. Being a jerk does not make one a bad surgeon. (And thank goodness, because there are a lot of jerky surgeons out there!)
And he is still worlds better than House.
I was out before I even got to the operating theater my last operation. And I was so dehydrated after it took 2 bags of IV fluids and most of a pot of coffee just to get my normally sky-high BP up to safe levels to go home. All for about a pound of fat sitting on my neck.
Nothing says fun like surgery, huh?
I vaguely remember a friend who had to undergo surgery started counting down from 10. I think he reached 8 and was out cold.
As for what he gets a pass to… Maybe a pass to save a persons life without being told he’s a d:ckhead? (I mean, he’s called one. Still though.)
Reaching eight is standard, I think. It you reach seven, it means you’re hardcore.
I didn’t even get a countdown. All I heard was “Here comes the Versed!”
Of course, they all knew me.
So you think they gave you an extra dose, just because they knew of your fighting spirit?
I think I was chattering and they wanted to shut me up 😉
“I think I was chattering and they wanted to shut me up”
NO !
Anathesia creeps me out. I had a wisdom tooth removed and was chatting with the nurse while the stuff was being dripped into the IV. I remember chatting, then I remember blinking and she is asking me if I can stand. I asked when we were going to start and she laughed and said “honey, you’re done.” I have never been that unaware of my surroundings.
Also, I don’t remember a lot of that time like I normally can. It’s like there is just less detail in the memory. I can’t tell if it interferes with my ability to form memories or if it is a derived effect of its dulling of my awareness, but it frightens me.
Same here. You’re counting down, then BAM. You’re in a different room, the surgery’s done, and you have NO perception of time having passed. It’s really disturbing, really, because you realize that you’ve essentially been turned off for a while. I didn’t have the memory issues, but that really wouldn’t surprise me. Apparently they give you a cocktail of different drugs, and one of them specifically cooks your memory.
Versed produces amnesia. That’s why we all love it so.
I fought during a hernia surgery. Got to 7, I wanted to see how long I could force myself awake.
You, sir, are a hero.
Colin if he has the internet can watch Ram Dass on Youtube while he’s recovering.
Only time I got the juice they didn’t put me all the way down (it was a wisdom tooth and they didn’t need me out, just not suffering) and I could hear the guy in the next room just laughing and laughing.
Except there was no next room.
When I finally have to check out of this life, I want more of that!
That sounds a bit too close to not being out, and I wouldn’t want to risk that.
Dentists are notorious for not being able to notice patients’ doing something untoward like stopping breathing. That’s why they use “twilight sleep.” Me, I want a board-certified anesthesiologist monitoring me while I am out. You can’t be too careful.
AGREED. Let’s hear it for properly administered general anesthetic.
Yeah, no more Michael Jackson “Oopsies” for minor procedures.
I have Obstructive Sleep Apnea, so they usually DON’T want to put me out, preferring an epidural (5 surgeries on the same knee). I like following the operation on the scope monitor, but it got old after #3…
That’s just too many surgeries. After the third, the surgeon should have just taught a man to fish by showing you how to operate on your own knee.
Come see my birthday present from my bf: https://imgur.com/a/egnag
I … really don’t know what to think of this.
@Susan @EG
THAT is so FUNNY !
EG, you should rip that LINK out by the roots, and make it a VOTING INCENTIVE.
I want BF to do a GUEST COMIC !!!!!
Well hey, I won’t stop him! About time someone gives me a week’s vacation!
I asked him what he would draw for a four panel strip about the Puck people. Unfortunately it involved him visiting them. And Phoebe. He was kidding, I THINK
@Susan @EG
How about a Four-Panel, with each Panel illustrating a Fan Fantasy ?
His Daphne Panel certainly qualifies.
Time the Guest Strip for Christmas, New Years, or April Fools Day.
If BF, with Susan’s inspiration, can generate that, it would be pure GOLD !!
Thanks, Salem, on my bf’s behalf. 🙂 EG, just think of it as “just desserts” for stealing those Smurfs, er, Schnorfs.
Daphne’s Crimes include Stealin’ Schnorfs, and Breathin’ My Air !
It is delightful in a slightly twisted way, but I am firmly of the opinion that no one should be spanking anyone over the age of three against their will. Unless you’re Elvis. (See ‘Blue Hawaii’ for more information.)
Heh, so am I, I was never spanked as a child. But the punishment fits the crime IMO, and I have been begging him for this since the end of that arc. Anyway, Daffy isn’t really a person, just a dog-girl (or jackal-girl, some would say) 😛
But… IS it against her will?
I’m not going to reply to that. (Though I guess I just did. Damnit!)
HAH! “D*CKHEAD” (get it?)
But the surgery is at the OTHER END !
My surgeon is a god among men. After 57 procedures (I have a chronic disease and it isn’t vanity) he is always cool. They do have me on the four cocktail mix of sleepy meds though as I keep getting immune to them. I am also allergic to narcotics so the pain just keeps on giving!
Well, we must all be thankful for surgeons. Though I guess they already get enough thanks in the form of cash, so…
I used to sort mail for a “Mr. Dick Head.” The address was “69 Sex Drive.” Ultimately, I figured out somebody phonied up some health insurance application and they were too dumb to notice when they put it in the mailer.
That’s too crazy not to be true.
Curiously enough, the last surgeon I dealt with (orthopedic for carpal tunnel syndrome) was quite pleasant and personable. Just shows how stereotypes aren’t always true. Of course, I was cracking jokes all the way to the operating theater (that’s what anesthesia does to me) so the whole team was… ahem… “in stitches”.
Pun award granted.
But honestly, I’ve like all the surgeons ive known. Some have been friendly and funny. Some have been kind of reserved and cynical, yet funny. They’ve all had good senses of humor.
Never known a surgeon without a sense of humor. Have to laugh at something.
Yes, they generally are a CHEERY sort.
Hey, if it wasn’t alive, we wouldn’t be operating on it. You have no idea how creepy room-temperature blood feels though surgical gloves. Ick!
I am shocked I was the furst Puckster to wish this.
Wat a Pack-O-Philistines !
My mom makes a mince pie every thanksgiving just for me, since nobody else likes it. I take it home and eat a piece for lunch every day for the next week.
Served HOT with real Vanilla Ice Cream on top.
Ah, yes. General anaesthetic. I remember that from getting my wisdom teeth removed. The last thing I thought before falling asleep was ” It’s not wor–“
Same here.
Re: the incentive: Colin, nothing on earth could induce me to touch your beastly beard 😛
Oh, you’re no fun.
On the other hand, if Colin was looking for a SPANKING, BF may be able to help.
But really, I think the Puck character who could use one next is TRACEEE !!
Yes Yes Yes
My bf has declared himself out of the spanking picture biz. He says he can’t stand EG’s disapproval. Funny, he was grinning as he said it. 🙁
He did say I could do the background on the spanking pic. I’m working on pictures for over the couch.
Butt, butt, butt …..
I think EG would approve of Satan spanking TRACEEE’s butt.
She’s over 18, and would enjoy it ! (I think)
And she has been a naughty girl.
I wouldn’t approve. But I certainly wouldn’t disapprove.
I’ll see if I can change his mind. But, meanwhile, um, does *anybody* here know if the white spots in Miranda’s mouth in Panel 1 of Puck 211 represent teeth? Or just gap-osis (as we say in surgery). Asking for a friend.
In strip 211? I don’t see it. In strip 411? I think it’s color error. Miranda has two teeth on the bottom. She doesn’t have a full row of top teeth. That should be pink. And I forgot to color it.
Thanks, EG. *industriously works on background*
Well, Colin can’t complain about his bedside manner. After all, he didn’t break his promise.
That is such an old joke among surgeons. I knew one that would bet the patient he would do the operation for free if they could do the countdown. Then, as the patient started eagerly counting, he would turn to the anesthesiologist and say, “”Cinch my bet for me.”
Well, it’s new to me!
Bill Cosby (back when he was funny, not creepy) once had a stand-up where he would talk about general anesthesia where his father had to go in for surgery. The gag was that heavy drinkers were anesthetic-resistant, and he did go all the way to “one”. At that point the doc says “We need another bottle” and Dad says, “Yeah! Not for my arm, for my mouth!”
I’m here to tell you that heavy drinkers (me) are not resistant to Versed.
It’s all connected to body mass, right? I did hear about an interesting experience for an anesthesiologist who needed to put Andre the Giant under for back surgery. His height and mass were off the charts, and they couldn’t really even fathom the right dosage. They apparently worked from info regarding the effects of alcohol on him – mainly that it took two full liters of vodka to give him a decent buzz – and figured it out from there.
Yeah, but IV Versed is so potent that it knocks you out before your body has a crack at it. Then, no matter when your liver chews it up, you have amnesia about what happened.
Three questions to ponder…
Is is where the doctor is supposed to say ” Funny how I ended up as a Surgeon, considering how useless I was at that board game “Operation” ”
2. Is this where we find out he’s actually a Veterinarian?
3. How many times has he lost his patience? {say it out }
Ha ha ha. That patients/patience joke was old when William Harvey was an intern. And hospitals have something called credentialing committees. And ORs check your malpractice insurance before you scrub in, even as an assistant. Malpractice insurance carriers are even more finicky than hospitals.
Good questions.
Ok, Ok….
I’ve been resisting this for minutes – hours – days, but Professor Huhnmorder (they guy who transferred my “normal cat” consciousness into this huge Airblown body) insists that if I don’t post HIS PIC, that he’ll cut off my Battery Supply pronto.
Sorry everyone.
No joke, I had brain surgery this week. Needed this laugh.
Here’s hoping it was a huge success !
Well, we’ll always be here to provide humor that is disturbingly close to real life events!
Yeah I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone getting past eight. I think I may of got close but because of the drugs I was a little out of it, so I’m not sure. Like I may of got there but I was slurring my words so I’m not sure it counts 😉
What’s really so weird is that for the ten and the nine, you don’t feel anything. It’s like, “Well, this isn’t working,” and then you’re suddenly in a different room.
Just had surgery a few weeks ago and I tried to fight the anesthesia. I don’t even remember counting down 😀
That forced sleep drives me nuts!
Whoa. They must have given you the good stuff. I got to the counting. I just find it weird, because a lot of people (including me) report thinking, “Well, this anesthetic isn’t doing anything,” right before suddenly waking up in another room. It’s just so instant.
Meanwhile, below the d!(khead…
I can hear it in that Batman narrator voice.