It’s another weird deep dive into the bizarre sorts of costumes you’ll see at the Spirit Halloween store … only even weirder!


As for this comic…


The production of this comic was a full-blown comedy of errors which made the process interminable, draining and just a little nightmarish. My graphics program crashed a few times, leading to lost work. (I do save frequently and carefully with multiple benchmark save files, so I never lose more than fifteen minutes’ work or so. But it’s still annoying.) And then, worst of all, I discovered when coloring the comic that I’d made a terrible continuity error: in the previous strip, Daphne had her hair back in a ponytail as she usually does before going to bed. And I’d drawn her in this strip with her hair down.

I draw these comics on paper, with real ink and such. I don’t really ‘draw’ digitally at all. I don’t own a stylus, or a drawing tablet, or any such thing. If I need to add a drawn detail to the comic in post, it has to be drawn with a mouse. It’s not impossible, but it’s a pain. So I had to carefully alter every single pic of Daphne and digitally change the hair style. Yes, I could have left it as it was, but it would have been a weird shift, so I fixed it.

There were a bunch of other details that went wrong too, but it’s done now. I think. Let me know if I’m not. It was only five minutes ago that I noticed that the Daphne pic in panel two wasn’t clipped inside the panel frame yet, so her legs extended down outside the box. So I’m batting a thousand this week.