Some Valentine’s Day stupidity on TWC. Check it out if you want!
As for this comic…
I now realize that depicting and coloring birds of prey is a laborious process. But that realization was too late to save me.
A few readers saw this one coming. I salute them.
Ah Radagast, you are just in time.
The Brown Wizard is best wizard. Too bad about all that bird poo on his head, though.
the hazards of working with birds
They’re a nightmare.
I’m sure the blue wizards are cooler. Just think about it: Jackson did so much great CGI in LoTR but even he didn’t felt good enough to show them. (He also chickened out of Tom Bombadil.)
Something tells me Phoebe has arrived to save the day.
Or Phoebe’s forces. I don’t think Phoebe is anywhere near.
Very timely, given the outcome of yesterday’s Superbowl.
Dude, I knew it was gonna happen and I planned accordingly.
(Just kidding. I didn’t even know what teams were playing, nor did I watch the game.)
It’s not like it’s something important like the Gray Cup? 😉
Grey Cup. No ‘A’ in there. This is Canada.
Drat! I should have known that. Cut low once agian by my old enemy: Spekllling!
And yours, my lady? :))))))))
And MY AXE!!!
You just know Daphne gets those references too.
Daphne, if you so much as recognize that line, you’re about as big of a nerd.
The pot is definitely calling the kettle black.
but that’s bilbo’s story, not mine. mine is over now….
do you get the reference?
Do they have reason to believe those drones are armed and dangerous?
Who knows, man? WHO KNOWS?!?
All drones are dangerous if your beloved nest is fragile enough.
My mother was once divebombed by a raptor in her own backyard.
Should have been using the eagles the whole time, geez…
They could have flown straight to Mt. Doom.
I would not of trusted those eagles with the Ring.
Autolycism is a terrible affliction, but at least you end up with lots of pretty shiny things. SQWARK.
Tyler’s life is now complete.
Well, I’m sure there are a few more lines he really wants to say in context. He needs to take a trip to Greece just so he can say, “This … is Sparta!” and be 100% right.
Watch him be in Corinth when he says it.
What self respecting nerd wouldn’t shout that in that situation?
I know, right?
Funny how they Canada and yet the National bird of the USA comes to the rescue. Honestly, how political can you get as this feels like a bit of a coincidence given the political upheaval in the USA as of late. That and even the national birds of the USA don’t like the current president.
Hey, man, we have bald eagles in Canada. They know no nation. Even though Americans would like to think otherwise.
Benjamim Franklin campaigned long and hard for the turkey to be the official bird of the US. The Eagles seemed to like Trump showing up to their game though…what is it with TDS sufferers needing to make it apparent on comics comment pages ? I thought that slush fund paying them got cancelled ?
I wouldn’t be worried about the eagles attacking drones around here, the pigeons and seagulls would just fly into them at random.
My dislike of the fanta fascist is strong enough that I will happily slag on him anywhere his cursed name appears. And I’ll do it for free.
I get that.
Eh, Canada geese would’ve been overkill.
They’re more honk than bite anyway…
That’s quite the “Come Hither!” look in Panel 4…
(I think I was one of those who had predicted this a few weeks ago)
You probably were. And what look are talking about? There’s elation and mild annoyance on offer.
The difference between me and Tyler is that the line would occur to us both, but he would have the grounding to say the line and I would just gape stupidly and point. “What? what? Huh?”
Much like what the perpetrators of said drones are saying at the moment.
Nice details on the eagles. Apparently the Bald Eagle is an ex-pat from the US to Canada, amirite?
You is NOT rite.
There are nesting pairs of bale eagles in Hamilton, along with red-tailed hawks, owls, peregrin falcons, etc.
That would be accurate, if I were merely talking about Bald Eagles as birds.
I pay attention to my raptors.
Your reaction would be the reasonable one.
It’s nice to see Mother Nature triumph over mankind’s intrusive abusive technology. If you think high technology is always good, remember that the V-2 (A-4) rocket, was state of the art in its day.
Frankly, I’m not sure the birds of prey would be able to destroy drones like that. With suicide attack, sure, but like this?
You ever SEEN a bald eagle? They regularly carry off and kill young deer.
Many raptors actually “punch” their prey with closed talons before opening their claws and catching the dead bird. Plastic drones should shatter just as easily as bird bones from a punch at a couple of hundred kph.
Eagles are pretty smart predators for the most part. They are pretty good at finding ways of killing their pray.
I watch an eagle knock a goat off of a cliff trail once. It was both horrifying and fascinating at the same time.
Nothing is more satisfying than smashing weakly constructed tech. Speaking as someone who used to work at a computer store and take out his frustrations on old equipment out back.
Also, re Canada Geese; overkill also for the cabal, but hey, when Canadians go to war, Hell trembles.
The hawk is pretty sharp. You obviously were channeling you inner Audubon on this one. Now, regarding the chocolate dipped Phoebe, I’m not sure what you were channeling, but keep on keeping on…
I am David Attenborough. In spirit.
Daphne delivered that line pefectly. Had me straight up laughing. Great strip!
Glad it worked. Wouldn’t sure it would. Probably didn’t for some, but I’m glad it hit for you.
Wait… Didn’t Daphne once tell Puck to throw the ring into the fire?!? (The in-laws arc)
Nerd Hearts are gonna soar when Nerd Hearts WANT to soar!!!
As someone else noted, her annoyance might come from the fact that she wanted to say that line first.
+3 Nerd cred for both of them.
Every time the eagles come up along with the questions of riding them instead of hiking I can only think of this now. This link is clean, other comics on the linked site are not:
Gwaihir in the house!
Or a reasonable facsimile.
Cultural timing. The cheifs did not see them coming.
what duck?
You REALLY had o stop to that quote? Oy very myndear goddess…