Why do I feel like Satan really needs a telescope in the first panel?
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Not just guitar solos. He was absolutely robbed in a fiddle contest in Georgia once.
Satan’s fiddling abilities are actually greatly exaggerated. He usually hires a ringer to fiddle for him. It’s usually Ashley MacIsaac.
Not Nero?
He needs a scope for looking out that big rear window.
That’s what I thought. A telescope would seal the deal.
Can honestly say that I did not see that coming.
Lots of people didn’t get this comic. They thought the gift basket was a trap or something. The irony was just too ironic for them.
It *is* a trap. Now, Puck can worry about what the trap is. She does it to herself, and that is something that Satan knows so well.
(I see your irony and raise you big time.)
But ironic irony is just sincerity for hipsters!
I’m somewhat surprised that Satan isn’t stroking a white cat, but I suppose that’s a bit cliche at this point.
Enh, maybe one day he’ll get a white cat. Just to fit in.
Ahh, Satan is doing “FingerTip Pushups”.
A frequent device in comics and animation; severely underutilized in reality.
It’s true. More evil people need to do this.
Satan gives the most delicious gifts of food imaginable, but just try getting him to give you refills when you run out! BWA-HA-HA!!!
That’s how they getcha.
You won’t see this, but just have Satan abuse his power to get one for free. It solves one problem while staying in character
That sounds about right.