Pavlov must have known his fair share of redheads.

So the Puck timeline and our real-life timeline intersect (however briefly) and I’m enjoying the inclusion of some seasonal gags. As you can clearly see.

After viewing this comic, my wife has concluded that pregnant chicks should never, ever wear cable-knit sweaters. Ever. I personally think it’s kind of cute. Besides, Puck needs to wear outfits like this: outfits that solidify Puck’s title as the whitest white woman on the face of the planet.

New Voting Incentive! It’s Halloween … BATMAN-STYLE!!! A new costume EVERY WEEK!
Each week of October will bring with it a new Batman-themed costume on one member of the Puck gang.

This voting incentive is no longer available by voting, but you can purchase the pic in the STORE! It’s only one buck for five incentive pics! YAY!