Puck 299
on August 17, 2015 at 10:19 pmTHE PUCK BOOK IS STILL ON SUPER SALE!!!
If you’re vaguely interested in possibly owning a copy of the Puck book, well, now’s your chance to take action! It’s in color, it’s big, it’s beautiful, and NOW IT’S ONLY $18.99! It includes +200 comics and a bunch of never before seen extras documenting the early stages of Puck’s creation. For instance, did you know that at an earlier stage of development, Phoebe had goat legs? And for a brief period in history, Puck and Phoebe were a pair of futuristic buddy cops? It’s all in the book!
As for the comic…
This is, if I remember correctly, the only comic in this series that doesn’t contain Puck, Phoebe, Colin, Daphne or Satan. Hopefully it still works.
I always knew Tyler would be such a smooth talker.
Well, he’s never really talked too much in the comic, and I guess now we see why.
Angie seems to feel that she’s in a dead end job.
Park employees come in two varieties: old and angry or young and irresponsible.
I was a park employee. I was both young AND angry.
That’s a third variety, I suppose.
The things Daphne make Tyler go through, she’d better reward him for this!
If you mean reward him by allowing him to continue to bask in her magnificent presence, then yes. But that’s probably the only reward he’ll see.
And keep his knee caps…
Agnes and Wilbur?
This isn’t an homage to Mr. Ed is it?
No, I’m not that clever.
Personally, I prefer “Gotta go to a meeting to see a man about a horse before i drop the kids off at the pool” but that’s just me
I looked up a bunch of ‘take a poo’ euphemisms online, but I decided to come up with some of my own. The great thing about them is that there’s always room for one more!
Then you finished it off with “Keep that stool warm…” and the preconditioned mind automatically thinks of something else.
You see how that works? It works so well.
First time from the top of my head that it only contains Tyler and someone else.
Does it work?
Should it work?
Hopefully, as it does in fact work!
I liked the alternate versions you were considering and the fact you went with the more… Basic one.
I’m somehow or another not very surprised that Angie looks like well… That.
Yeah, it’s the first comic to not feature any of the primary four cast members, though there have been some comics about Satan. Tyler has always lurked in the background, but I think he’s going to be growing into more of a primary character over the next while.
And yeah, whenever a young guy is told to ‘put the moves’ on a secretary/cashier/whatever in order to facilitate some form of heist or scam, said secretary/cashier/whatever must always be matronly and unattractive. It’s the law of entertainment.
This is like the two episodes that only feature Pip and Butters.
“It’s Butters!”
“That’s me.”
Warm stool. Ew.
Having sampled my fair share of stools, I’d say that I always prefer a warm stool sample to a cold stool sample.
I like “drown the brown kittens” personally. So graphic, so cruel, so easily misunderstood. I must use that one in real life, just to see people’s reaction.
Well, if you have the courage (or craziness) to use it in conversation, you’re very welcome to it.
The people I’d use it around first are used to my sense of humor, so they won’t look at me for being TOO odd. 🙂
Yup. I’ve committed that gem to memory now… and yet, I adopted a trio of kittens last year, so I don’t think I can use it among any of my offline social circle without them sending the human society to kick in my door for a “welfare check”.
It’s a lost opportunity. 🙁
Thinking back to the strip where Tyler was “asked” to put the moves on her, I only have 4 words to say…
Those are four good words.
Angie’s the ideal theme park employee; cynical, angry, overweight and butt ugly. Just who I’d want operating my theme park ride.
“Help, help, my little brother’s nose is caught in a Schnorf!”
“D’ya mind, kid, I’m on break.”
It’s not the career path that most attractive, upwardly mobile types stay in for a long time, I’d say.
Please tell me that “I need to take a look at the thingy in the thing” isn’t Tyler’s attempt at flirting.
Maybe. The lady types can’t resist ambiguity.
Damn right we can’t. It’s soooooo irritating when someone just can’t say what they mean -__-
Oh yeah…that woman’s definitely the no-filters Camel type…
You can just hear the raspy voice through the panels…
In my head, she sounded like Doctor Girlfriend.
That’s because that’s exactly what she sounds like.
The horror.
The horror.
(If I’d thought about it, I would’ve guessed that the first poop joke would involve Miranda. But that would’ve been too easy I suppose.)
((So far, this trip, we’ve got barf, we’ve got poo, what’s left?))
You can expect only the finest in highbrow comedy throughout this story arc.
The mouseovers have damaged me, also.
Those were my best gags!
Is there a way to buy the book without a credit card, for bumpkins like me? xD
Yeah. All I need is your email address and we can work something out. I actually have an email address that was listed for this message. If that’s accurate, I’ll send a note to you via that.
Edit: the email address came back as invalid, so if you post a reply to this with a real email address listed in the ’email’ box, that’d be great. (It won’t be displayed to everyone. Only I can see it.)
What if I want my email (beefy_muscles@sexystud.com) to be displayed?
*I hope that not someone’s actual email.
Okay, I corrected my mail address. I’d love to buy the big book of Puckism!
Why not have Puck and company make efforts to reform criminals.
I’m not complaining…maybe a little. But, uh…some of us might have watched the superfriends when it came out. :\ Though even then the Wonder twins came off as lame.
Shape of… A BUCKET!!!
Cool to see Tyler becoming a more important character and getting more speaking parts. 😀
He speaks! Periodically! Every once in a while!