December’s been really hard on me for time constraints, so I didn’t get a chance to do a January-themed piece of art. So that means falling back on those bonus pics from the extra comic that may never actually see the light of day!
As for this comic…
Happy New Year, you wonderful people you. This year the last comic posted on both Christmas Eve and this comic posts on New Year’s Eve, so it’s extra festive. This one, perhaps, is a little more in keeping with the holiday it posts on. Puck and company are at a party. It’s on point. Kinda.
Note that Papa Shnorf’s appearance at junior prom is only one of many weird curve balls coming your way in this story arc. Honestly, I couldn’t resist bringing this character back for a little bit. He’s just so … weird. And no, he will never become a major character, really, but he’ll keep on popping up from time to time.
Hooray the return of Papa Shnorf!
You knew it would happen eventually.
Truly, a prince among men.
Colin is happy, at least.
OMG whose parent could Pappa Shnorf be?
He’s not Dutch by any chance???
Nah, that would be WAY too weird. And no other parents are hanging out at prom. Puck only gets a pass because her husband teaches at the school.
Is he there as part of the theme?
That’s logical. But it leads to the question: does an Enchanted Forest include a cat girl?
(I’m just asking for Salem. Honest!)
Can never have too many cute Cat Girls !
That would be fun !
Especially if Hannah followed the Family Enterprise.
Oooh, I did NOT see this coming. And I’m going to bet Ultima Thule that he’s aligned somehow against Daphne.
Not necessarily. I think Papa Shnorf is a neutral third party.
*Now* Phoebe has an escort.
Well, you might not be off on that one.
Oh, hush up, Puck. What’s an enchanted forest without some Shnorfs? ^_^ Besides, Papa Shnorf is good people, and a useful man to have around in an emergency — and there’s bound to be one.
I just wonder whether he and Phoebe are going to wind up having a dance together.
I am not entirely sure Papa Shnorf is good people. But he is interesting people. And Phoebe is without a date here, so…
He’s a bit of a tomcat, to be sure, but he was good enough to help Colin get back his daughter. ^_^
True enough.
Happy new year to you EG and to your family as well!
And to my fellow readers, too!
Might just be me, but does it seem like Colin looks like he’s going from gradually happy to full on excited when seeing Papa Schnorf, while Puck seems to go from “Hm, this might not be too bad” to “…I stand corrected” upon seeing Papa Schnorf?
Also, I have two questions (if they’ve been answered before, I somehow missed it and I apologize).
First, can people see Phoebe’s tail and just don’t comment on it, or can she just turn it invisible?
Second, can she control said tail or does it have a will of its own?
Your reading in panel four is very correct.
As for Phoebe’s tail (and Puck’s ears, and Daphne’s fur, etc.), the best answer I have is that they’re basically cloaked in a ‘Someone Else’s Problem Field’, as coined by Douglas Adams. As he stated in the Hitchhiker’s series, making something invisible is very expensive and well nigh impossible. But you don’t need to do that. If people just see something but dismiss it as someone else’s problem, they’ll carry on without issues. So everyone sees the tail, knows the tail is there, but assumes there’s a good explanation for it which has nothing to do with them, and they carry on.
As for whether it’s under her conscious control or not, I’d like to think that it swishes back and forth mostly on its own accord, responding somewhat to Phoebe’s emotional state, but that it CAN be consciously controlled if Phoebe chooses to do so. So kind of like breathing. Also, it is NOT prehensile. It doesn’t have the flexibility required to grab something.
sound of music? more like ‘with a song in my bewbs’!
…also, i´m kinda getting curious just how papa shnorf looks underneath the silicone (or whatever that costume is made of)
I’d like to think that Papa Shnorf’s costume is made of felt or foam or some mildly plush material like most mascot costumes. The idea of a silicone mascot is kind of creepy. And I don’t think that we will EVER know what Papa Shnorf looks like sans costume. Though that doesn’t mean that characters in the comic won’t…
Papa & Phoebe under the tree
(I’ll leave it at that)
The thit keeps plockening; meanwhile, the look on Miranda’s face in the new vote bait seems to portend much more plockening in future.
I love to thitten my plock. On ALL fronts.
No Phoebles (shoutout to Susan), what’s whimsical and magical is the way your dress stays attached to you… lol
That’s not magic. That’s double-sided tape. Maybe Krazy Glue?
Man that place sounds awesome and they look amazing in there outfits
I am glad you approve.
I know they are talking metaphorically, but literally, what contains more magic? Daughter of Satan or Fae?
Papa Shnorf knows the real deal when he sees it…
Phoebe looks like she’s bursting into song like a Disney character in the third panel. 😀 Haha
It just felt right.
Well, bursting, at least.
[Robert Nowall] & [ComicReader]:
“bursting” … ?
If it were me, I’d drop the “r”.
It’s a bust, then.
Magic is funny word for umm tumescence.
It’s the more magical option.
Papa is there because he’s either providing the green eggs n ham pizzas, or he’s going to award the prom queen with a trophy of the Russian Diplomacy Snort Animatronic Figure answer Scholarship.
Either sound good, really.
Colin is happy to see his old friend, Papa Snorf, who helped him at Canada’s Sunderland.
Exactly. And now, for some reason, the Golden Girls theme song is running in my head…
da duh DUHHHH! Papa is in the house, you know it’s going weird in a way only he can save.
Well, he saved the day last time. Maybe he’ll ruin it this time. Who knows?
You saw what he didn’t do to Papa John’s.
Is it me, or does Phoebe look so much more innocent without her glasses?
Yes, I’d agree. Not sure why, but yes.
Puck’s back in this comic makes me envious beyond belief.
In other words, well-drawn *applauds*
Thank you. Backs are hard to draw. Because there’s really not a lot to draw. It can get tricky.