As for this comic…
Done but worked to the wire on this one. Almost didn’t finish it. Seems to be getting harder for me. Not sure if I’m taking longer than I used to or just getting too old and tired to keep the grind, but I’m trying.
Edit: I’m trying to upload these to the site in a slightly higher resolution. It doesn’t make much difference on a standard computer screen, but on a phone or iPad, it makes a HUGE difference to the clarity. If it works, I might go back and upscale the back catalogue when I have the time.
FYI I just got hit with a takeover ad. On mobile.
I’m sorry. No clue what’s going on with that. It might be a rogue ad placement that my provider let through. I’ll let them know.
I’m looking forward to her learning a slight amount of humility, but I enjoy her casual appearance. I can imagine there are quite a few people who would like to see her in different outfits though.
Daphne will never change. Though I suppose she already changed quite a bit, so maybe she’ll change? Hard to say.
I sure would love to see
allmost of the fashions created in this webcomic in real life. Sort of like a Puck fashion show.Daphne’s prom dress would have to figure in there somewhere.
That was one of my faves.
I would too, but some of them are physical impossibilities, and no matter what, I lack requisite fashion studio to make it a reality. I guess my best hope is that some fashion guru steals my designs?
A Chinese sweatshop could.
They don’t need any more work.
No, they do not.
But she fills the shirts and jeans out so well!
I guess it’s not what you wear; it’s how you wear it.
…or what you have to wear it on?
I’m not sure “on” is quite the right preposition. Really, clothes are more “around” the wearer than “on” the wearer. Who wrote this language, anyway?
It was a group effort.
A group of rowdy, drunken English Lit students, probably.
That lot is almost as bad as philosophers.
“A group of rowdy, drunken English Lit students, probably.
That lot is almost as bad as philosophers.”
Worse. People just wondering around and living their lives. Generation on generation, much longer back than anyone knows.
In fairness to Daphne, considering her fur, layering would risk heat stroke. T-shirts and jeans are likely the most clothing she can stand.
Fair enough. Though jeans are not the most breathable garment.
Even with humans, the “garbage” clothes are generally more comfortable than the more stylish alternative.
What do you have against comfort?
Re: Author’s note.
I’m feeling the same way – it could be January Blahs. We’re missing our daily dose of vitamin D from the sun on our flesh, the days are -just- getting longer, and there has been so much cloud cover and nasty weather that we barely see the sun in daylight hours.
I have found that taking my pooch for a walk helps tremendously. Getting outside with “fresh” air (not air that’s been circulated throughout your home for the past few months) and a little bit of exercise certainly can’t HURT…
(Otherwise, maybe talk to your GP about a B12 shot).
My daughter (when she moved in with The Love Of Her Life) left me her day light lamp and boy howdy it’s nice! I can feel the mood needle go up a few notches. It also helps with my skin tones on Zoom calls. Maybe try it?
I try to avoid going out in the sun if I can help it. I sunburn so easy. (Curse the Yellow Face and her ultraviolet rays!)
Regarding clothing concerns for the furry, I never really though about Daphne, as drawn, as being particularly hirsute. Perhaps she’s more like a short-haired dachshund, which would open many more fashion options to her (and also would explain her perpetual grumpiness).
Yeah, short-haired dachshund is about right. At least in my head.
So Hannah has a “model” frame of mind.
One could say that.
Re my LMB comment in last week’s cartoon, LMB is Lois McMaster Bujold, sci-fi and fantasy author.
Now I know!
Phoebe. Beat it!
That should end any question about if Daphne and Phoebe are family. Who else would do that to you? 😉
A wise observation.
I’ve had relatives. 🙂
In Panel 4, is Phoebe expressing regret that the rest of the world does not dress with the fabulousness that she feels it ought to, or does she not recognize that everywhere she goes she is dressed the most fabulously?
Either way, Daphne does not seem prepared to be the butt of a whole series of unintended put-downs. She usually has more control over situations, at lease as much as teenagers can.
In panel four, yes. Yes indeed.
Now I have the song “Popular” from Wicked going through my head, with Fabulous replacing Popular.
I sort of want to say, “I wish I’d seen Wicked so I could get this.” But really, I don’t.
I read the novel. It’s a major downer. I don’t know how it got to be a musical.
I noticed the improved resolution on my iPad as soon as today’s strip loaded. Thanks for that, please keep it up if you can.
Yeah, it looks a little worse on a classic desktop because the browsers automatically downscale the image, but it’s not much worse, and on iPads or phones it’s a big improvement. I’ll definitely continue to keep the resolution like this. Should have upscale it a long time ago.
The image resolution issue seems to affect a lot of the older TV series when I watch them on my lordy-that’s-a-big-screen. The scripts and acting remain are as good as ever … sometime the facial expressions are even more effective … but almost any makeup involving facial prothesis (Klingons, Ferengi) is distracting. That comes with getting older I guess.
Yeah, I watched Ghostbusters in 4K recently and I regret to say that it is painfully obvious that many scenes have backgrounds that are just matte paintings. I never noticed that as a kid.
You couldn’t’ve. There wasn’t enough resolution. It makes us all look like idiots.
Why do desktop browsers downscale the image? I have a huge high resolution monitor and the browser and OS between them know that. It would be sensible to take advantage of that.
No clue. There is, I believe, a plug-in that I can get for WordPress that automatically scales an image but I’ve been hesitant to mess with such things because the site barely works as is and I’m no programmer.
I believe the mobile devices work differently due to their automatic zooming and scaling, which means they insert images to match a certain size but not a certain resolution. Like on my iPad, I can zoom in with two fingers and the browser seamlessly upscales the image to provide the best results.
What DOES work on a desktop, if you want, is to right click and hit ‘open image in a new tab’. When you do that, the pic will no longer be constrained by the page layout and it’ll show at full resolution.
Does Hannah know she dresses like 1984 prep blah? Like the nice, less judgmental side of Heather. Fabulous requires a bit more splash…. and sequins…
Phoebe knows fabulous and, were she not so nice, perhaps school Hannah a little in the way of ultra-fab.
Looks like a job for Tracee!
Hannah’s unique look comes from me trying to appropriately differentiate her stylistically from the other characters. I also wanted a look that was a little too precious.
You nailed it then.
My wife is hooked on BBC documentaries on the history of the Royal Family, and one of the historians, Dr. Lucy Worsley https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucy_Worsley is who I picture Hannah becoming when she grows up. Same hair, same “a little TOO precious” fashion sense.
OUTSTANDING presenter of history – I highly recommend.
I second the recommendation of Lucy Worsley. It’s been said by some that she’s too fond of the dressing up box, but I love it when she wears historical dress in her documentaries. Looking at the clothes in isolation is much less informative than looking at someone wearing them.
I was kind of channeling a different academic: Dr. Emily Zarka, renowned monster expert. The Peter Pan collar was directly inspired by Dr. Emily’s style.
Did anyone else seem to hear the tune “Popular” from Wicked?
“Daphne, now that we’re friends I’ve decided to make you my new project.”
“You REALLY don’t have to do that.”
I’m totally fine wearing garbage clothing. They’re comfy.
Annnd my looks weren’t doing much for me anyway. Fancy clothes don’t offer much in the way of comfort for me.. or room to move my shoulders.
The fancy clothes of today don’t suit me. Too tight, too tailored. Slim form factors don’t work on most guys over 20.
Daphne understands that losing at chess isn’t the worst feeling in the world. She is wise! 🙂
Spending time with various disabled people involves a lot of things you’d never thought about before, because you never had a reason to consider it.
I heartily recommend it! ^_^
Nicely put.