It’s a trip to incentive pics of the past! This time we’re specifically going with a sci-fi theme. A ‘new’ old incentive pic will be popping up periodically this month, so…
As for this comic…
Too many backgrounds. Too much going on. Busy time of year outside of the comic. Bad timing on my part.
C-awww. Kind of like my status as Friend to Canines. (And to Felines.. I just have to sit down and they seek me out for attention).
And we thank you for that shot.
Phoebe is friend to all.
They might be ravens, as there are only two.
I’ve been thinking about making friends with the local crows. If you give them food, they will bring you shinies in return.
More will come. Eventually. They’re sadly not ravens because we don’t get ravens around these parts.
There used to be lots of ravens.
Did they fly off to the Plutonian shore?
This seems to be on brand for the daughter of The Devil in any case.
Ravens harbingers of doom.
yeah….anyone else having flashbacks to a certain hitchcock movie?
On brand for the daughter of the devil, but less on brand for Phoebe.
Having them feels on brand for Daughter of the Devil. Being *friends* with them and sharing a snack with them feels on brand for Phoebe. (That was my vibe when I saw it, anyway; you’d know best)
No, I think you’re very right.
She’s found friends who can help her get her room back.
Perhaps? Crows usually aren’t good with housing.
They are when they fly about the heads of unwanted guess and poop on their shoulders…
*Guests. My typing skills require an edit button.
Please tell me their names are Phobos and Deimos?
Unfortunately not, though I considered it. I’m currently reading through the original Sailor Moon manga with my daughter. It is … interesting. And very, very repetitive.
Also named for the twin Greek gods of Fear and Dread (respectively) who were the sons of Ares. That became the justification to name the two moons of Mars after the twins… and eventually, Naoko Takeuchi used that justification to name Sailor Mars’ two pet crows.
Just saying you COULD have claimed the more mythological or celestial sources for the reference, and we would have believed it. 😛
I could have. But I’d be lying.
I did think it’d be squirrels…
Well, the squirrels will come, perhaps.
Squirrels just wanna have fun!
Color me surprised though given how unexpected the animals come and go.
We all need a little time away from the chaos we call life…
Huginn and Muninn?
She is not Odin. Though the parallel is nice.
4 eyes instead of 1?
Sorry Phoebs! It was there! A math joke! Who could turn it down!?
“I’m worried about her?”!!!
Who kidnapped Daphne and substituted this poor empathetic doppleganger that cares about somebody?!
I knew that Tyler guy was a bad influence.
Daphne cares about those she cares about. And all others need not apply.
Phoebe is so relaxed she’s let her tail dip into the fountain pool. She’s going to have a soggy bottom…
I’m sure she can shake it off.
Oooh, artist. Can you make that happen?
I double dog dare you.
I am immune to double dog dares. I had my fingers and toes crossed.
what if you are offered money?
Mother Nature at work . . .and play!
And rest.
Black and Decker ?
Rook and Roll ?
Caws and Effect ?
I’ll show myself out, no need to push 🙂
We have ravens here, stick with the crows, ravens are far more destructive
And of course I missed my chance to make that ‘Black and Pecker’ 🙁
Good names. None of them correct, though.
I’ll toss one in if I may.
Baxter and Symone
Coco and Chanel?
Bernadette and Rachel?
Smith and Wesson? Berton and Mowat? Wayne and Shuster?
Huginn and Muninn? Or Heckle and Jeckle?
Huh. I did not expect to be right on calling that.
Have a friend who is gaga for corvids, I have way too many raven facts by proxy.
Trust your powers of prediction.
Now do a zoo scene, Gecko. DO IT!
That sounds like a lot of work…
One for sorrow,
Two for mirth.
Yeah, I know. Really about Maggies, but I couldn’t help myself.
Still applies, I’m sure.
Sometimes we just need to get away from the chaos that we call life and feed the birds once in a while…
Indeed. Old people know what’s up.
It’s called ‘baiting’ a forgotten skill that’s still needed in these dark times of rampant inflation 😉
I’m worried for everyone else.
Rightly so.
Corvids, like crows and ravens, are quite bright; so much for the idea of the bird-brain. They are highly social, can communicate complex ideas (I don’t think they are ready for Special Relativity) and recognize the faces of those they like and don’t. They are very adaptable predators. I remember driving down the freeway and seeing a raven (or BIG crow) chowing down on some roadkill and it seemed to have figured out it can get up to the white line at the edge, so it just ignored the cars whipping by while enjoying its meal.
They are very smart, very social. Sadly, the crows in my area are also smart enough to be VERY wary of humans and my attempts to feed and befriend them have always failed. They take off the second they spot anyone approaching.
How nice to see Phoebe have a moment of happiness; how wise of her to know how to find her happiness. She does not think the same as others in our zany cast of characters, but we could learn from her.
That top, now that we see it all, is kind of cute. Phoebe seems incapable or uninterested in not appearing sexy – that is just part of who she is – but this design points straight to her heart at a moment where her actions shows a lot of heart. It is almost as if she is meditating with her friends!
Wonderfully described. And all so very accurate.
You needed Satan as Q.
Missed opportunity.
And the unseen hot dog vendor/psychotrist in the shadows with the silhouette of Guinen
Phoebe’s kind of sad, in a Brother’s Grimm fairy tale kind of way, but I’m glad that she does have friends. Well, animal friends.
Does anyone else hear the song of the Bird Lady from Mary Poppins or is just me?
Tuppence a bag.
Fortunately, Phoebe’s found a few fine feathered friends!