Time to turn over a new leaf and come up with some New Year’s resolutions!
As for this comic…
I’d make a joke about Puck 737 flying as high as a Boeing 737, but given the fact that a Boeing 737 Max just had part of its fuselage blow out while in mid-air (with thankfully no one hurt), maybe any comparison is in poor taste. But hey, it looks like a made a comparison anyway.
That dappling is getting pretty light across his chest.
Makes one think that the shadow might disappear entirely.
makes me wonder where the shadow is going – or rather to whom. i mean, darkness/evil doesn´t just disappear just because satan has lost his touch….so who is going to take his place as the new supreme evil overlord?
Well, the shadow is not the inherent manifestation of evil. It’s more a personal thing, the curse of eternal damnation upon Satan. Although I guess it’s no longer eternal.
Prince of Intermittent Dappled Shade?
Something like that.
Uh ohh….. three colored emotions in the fourth panel.
And who thought that Satan couldn’t be serious.
So much emotional color. We can’t handle it.
This is where everyone says “shut up keith” loudly. (I like tango-India-tangos, beautiful birds of england.)
I like bravo-Oscar-Oscar-bravo-India-echo-Sierra myself. Rather silly birds but endearing in their own way.
Well if you really want me to, “shut up keith”
Especially the blue-footed ones.
Looks like glowy screens trump fun times.
Or paying any attention to your surroundings in any way.
Paying attention to surroundings is overrated.
Well, he could’a waited until Phoebe left the room.
Then it wouldn’t be as funny.
It maybe time for a new bed if Phoebe is willing to get a new one after this whole ordeal.
Good call. At least a new mattress.
Could have been worse, could have been Puck IN said 737…
(NOTHING can contain her (air)rage)…
Also, in the immortal words of Dr. Evil: “It got weird, didn’t it?”
I’m fairly certain Puck is on the no-fly list.
Possibly of multiple nations.
Wonder what face Phoebe’s father will have. How will Puck react if he looks like Colin?
It won’t be Colin’s face. I mean, you can mostly see his facial structure right now. But it’ll be a fairly big reveal.
He looks vaguely like Colin’s doctor? Or maybe Puck’s therapist?
The answer … is forthcoming.
I empathize with Phoebe. If I had one inkling that one or both of my parents used my bed for naked shenanigans, it’d be more than just beyond weird. It would be grounds for scorched earth disinfection.
Or a new mattress. Or a new room.
New parents?
It cannot possibly be confused now.
Phoebs is right. It is so weird.
I wonder what she calls him. Has anyone in this comic ever actually addressed him as anything other than Dad or Sir? Would they call him Lucie?
She does not Love Lucie.
Oh Lucy, you’re so fine
You’re so fine, you blow my mind
Hey Lucy, hey Lucy
Oh Ricky, you’re so fine
You play your bongos all the time
Hey Ricky, hey Ricky
Oh Lucy, you’re so fine
How I love to hear you whine
Hey Lucy
Do I have that song on the memory stick in my car? Yes. Are my children more familiar with that version of the song than the real version? Yes. Do my children have any idea what ‘I Love Lucy’ is or get any of the jokes in said song? No.
I’ve got a niece who Loves Lucy, but is so young I wonder if she knows just what it is they’re making fun of—does she know what an operetta is, or who Edward R. Murrow was?
(I got a bargain deal on DVDs of The Complete Series.)
You have a grace period in young childhood with kids where you can show them pretty much anything and they may take to it. After a certain age, though, they will not cooperate. Mine are past that.
I hadn’t heard “Ricky” until now–I’ve only known “Mickey.”
You obviously are not one to do deep dives into Weird Al’s discography.
My mind is like a large dog.
It sees a squirrel in the distance and gallops off, dragging me bouncing along behind it.
When we stop I’m totally lost and somewhat concussed.
Some have directly referred to him as Satan. But as for what Tracee calls him, we haven’t yet heard.
There may have been moments when she called him God…. at least that is what he interpreted it as.
Really? I’ve forgotten. Thanks.
Is the situation inherently wrong? No-o-o, not as such. Completely weird? Ye-e-s, though ‘weird’ is– incomplete. I’m unsure there is a word in any language for ‘this is weird on so many levels that mathematicians have yet to devise the equations and symbols necessary to state how many levels there are to this.’
It’s mathematically weird. And that is truly weird.
Is that tail-tip in the first panel Satan’s or Phoebe’s?
… Actually, does Satan have a tail? I feel like we’ve seen it before but now I’m not sure.
……… If he does have one, have he and Tracee used it for kinky shenanigans?
Satan does have a tail. And the tail in panel one is … of indeterminate origin.
From the looks of things, Satan does not seem to have a good grasp of how to be enticing once he is bereft of the trappings of power.
Perhaps he’ll learn from this, but learning is not something people in this world does often.
Phoebe needs assertiveness training very much. Perhaps that could be the theme of a future chapter?
That happened for Fluttershy. Maybe Phoebe will have a run-in with a Minotaur motivational speaker.
Phoebe must be psychic, this IS on the record, on the Internet, no less. :p
Everything is in this universe. At least for now, until the site inevitably crashes and dies.
I have house-sat for my mother while she’s away on vacations. Her retirement-age house is a lot smaller than the one they raised me in. My choices for sleeping other than a couple couches are, her bed, and a old spare bed in the basement that is honestly much too firm for my taste.
I choose the bed my mother does NOT have sex in every time.
Phoebe is being faced with the generational flipped version. I can identify with her easily.
A terrible, horrible choice for you, really. I’d choose a couch.