April showers bring May flowers, so…
As for this comic…
Things are going off the rails. Because we don’t like rails. They’re coarse, and rough, and they get everywhere. No wait, that’s sand. I’m confused. It’s been a rough week.
Looks like someone found a sense of inner peace.
And outer peace!
I’m in.
There’s room for you.
Phoebe has my vote 🙂
Queen of the universe.
The composition of the third panel is beautiful.
Agreed. Frankly, its incentive quality.
Sometimes you just gotta go for broke.
Phoebe carries off the moistened bint look with impeccable poise and grace, as per usual.
Oh, and echoes of art and life entwined.
That was the vibe I was going for, I guess.
It was the park or a back alley dumpster.
Park has more room. Less food.
Well, she’s no Painted Lady, but Phoebe can hold her own even without water bending.
She bends … our hearts.
first of all, I’m sorry you’ve had a rough week. and 2nd, I don’t know who’s more cuckoo in the head.. Phoebe or her dad.
They can be both equally crazy in tandem. Parallel lines of crazy running off into infinity.
I disagree, Phoebe. That dress is JUST RIGHT!!!!
And next time someone mentions that the squirrels might be up to something, remember this image!!!
I disagree DAPHNE!!!! I’m getting too old, dagnabit!
You could be expressing your disagreement for Phoebe to hear. It still made sense.
Squirrels are always up to something. Especially around the Toronto area, where half of them are jet black.
That’s just because the black and grey squirrels live around the deciduous trees and the red squirrels live around the coniferous trees. The GTHA has mostly deciduous trees and lots of black squirrels. Go north to Barrie or east to Kingston and you get a lot more conifers and a lot more red squirrels. Go further north to Sudbury, there are lots more conifers and hardly any black squirrels. Science teacher mode off
Huh.., You know, the dress is less ridiculous than usual.
At least it doesn’t seem to be defying physics for once.
Hey, physics is important.
Phoebe’s campaign slogan:
“You’ve tried everything else- why not parks and seeds?”
Look, I’m so fed up with politics, I’m ready to take this step!
Just wait until it becomes public knowledge that this is the mayor’s daughter.
Daphne would qualify as the ‘violence that’s inherent to the system’, huh?
Help! Help! I’m being repressed!
I think Puck is the violence inherent in the system.
Yeah, I certainly can’t argue that. *gets an image of Colin trotting around the house with satan hitting to coconut halves*
I am tempted to draw that.
[doooo it]
If her raccoon friends helped her pick out that outfit, they should be complimented on their good taste.
Made of old sheets, probably. But very stylish.
I shudder to think where she found needles to sew that gown in Gage Park…
Dark, man.
There are a few pine trees. They have needles. Of course, she may have made that outfit before leaving Puck and Colin’s place.
I would buy a reproduction statue of panel three for our garden…. or an action figure will do. I can’t stop gazing at it. Well done!
I wish I had a statue production facility to realize such dreams.
Well . . . clearly, her mother is Gaia . . . hmm, the Lady of the Lake has a sword, so, the Lady of the Park has a. . . shillelagh?
That works.
Dunno, between the crows, squirrels and park live-in humans, it looks like a mandate to ME. Hizzoner better stay on his cloven toes…
Well, her borders are the park. So her authority is somewhat limited.
I think I rather like Phoebe’s knowing smirk. Better choice than going with something angelic or condescendingly wise, like, I once was Phoebe the fashionable, but now I am Phoebe the Pure.
Either that, or it was a failure on the artist’s part to successfully draw something angelic or wise. But it couldn’t be that. Never that.
My faith in the artist’s skills are …. unshakeable?
Mine aren’t.
The Lady of the Park appears every Walpurgis !
An EggsCellent Omen for my return from an extended journey to the unspeakable realms !
(or pure coincidence)
You are the authority on the greater Puckgorian calendar and all its many spiritual events and celebrations. Nice to see you back in the comments!
Welcome back!
If Phoebe applied for sainthood do you think the pope would disqualify her for the horns and tail.
So you’re thinking she should got to go for Eastern Orthodoxy?
Yes. Yes I would.
Who are the Eastern Orthodox?
These guys: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_Orthodox_Church
I’m with Daphne. And we’re talking about a woman for who A Bit Much is her M.O.
We’ve gone from ‘a bit much’ to ‘a bit most’.
I wouldn’t go THAT far. Tracee would toooootally push that into A Bit Most territory. She’s still on her side of the line.
Future TWC incentives: Tracee, Hannah, Heather, and Emily wearing Phoebe Originals (TM)… lol
Emily and Phoebe. What do you think? Best of friends or direst of enemies?
Best of friends, I’d say.
“Best of friends, I’d say.”
Oh. O.K.
I don’t don’t know what a sugoi is or why someone would yell excitedly about it, but I do like flowering trees.
Ranking of Puck went from 7 yesterday to 28 today.
It must be a bug.
Love the white dress on Phoebe and that outfit needs to be used on one of the incentive pictures.
Not a bug. The ranking turns over every month. So not many people have voted for Puck because the new comic came out a day ago. Just the reality of a weekly schedule, alas.
Thanks I never noticed that.
Justice for Tuvix? What of Tuvok and Neelix?
Tuvix superior.
I can’t believe that I didn’t see that until just now.
7: And Lo, She will come carrying a Chipmuck in the one Hand and a Black Squillre in the Other.
8: And around Her will Gather the Ravens, and Different Kinds of Squirrle and the Raccoons and the other Verman of our Land.
11: And upon her will come a terrible Storm and the Storm will Pass before her into her Enemies.
15: And the Squirrles will feast and the Dark one Will Knew and TREMBLE.
22: And the Ex shall Come and Ask What the Hell he was thinking and Why did she Have to Always Come and What About Cabo?
102: And Finally, the wrath will be at an end, and all shall weep.
You know your fake Bible so well.
Oh, good. I got the tone right. I was a little worried.
The Lord is my parole officer, I’ll want for nothing
He leads me to quiet places and calm water.
Though I walk in the shadows I’ll not fear.
He shall rise me on the wings of eagles
and give me kung-fu in the face of my enemies.
Once I was sitting on a park bench in London, UK. A peacock came right up next to me while a squirrel climbed up my pants leg. I just sat there until it went away. I couldn’t believe how tame they were. I thought “Who do they think I am, Saint Francis?.” Nothing like that has ever happened to me, before or since,
You are also a divine being, gifted with the language of the animals. The peacock is the real proof: those things are normally nasty.
@EG, thanks, you are too. Swans can be nasty too, and they can break an arm with a wing.
Suddenly I find a better option to the disaster that was Disney’s Snow White.
THIS would have been an INTERESTING movie, wouldn’t it?
“Mirror Mirror on the wall, who’s the sweetest of them all?”
“Oh, definitely this chick, right here.” (displays today’s Phoebe panel)
“…That’s a goddamned DEMON!”
“And still about 1000 times sweeter than you. Honestly girl, it’s not about her; you’ve really let yourself go!”
For clarity and posterity, you speak of the 2025 live action Snow White remake, not the original. Just didn’t want someone coming across this comment five years from now and thinking, “But Disney’s Snow White is a masterpiece!” Cuz I’m pretty sure the world will forget the remake existed in about three minutes.