Check it, vote it, see picture!
As for this comic…
Hey, we got to 800. That’s something.
I’ve been sick as a dog all weekend. So most of this comic was generated while I was in very rough shape. It’s done, though. 800 in the can. I can’t promise another 800 because that’ll take me another fifteen years. But who knows, man? Who knows.
Well, she IS trying to help Satan here. I suppose her getting a little carried away is normal.
Back from the brink. Commmme back, lass.
Well, if we’re talking about Tracee, when she stole the money initially, the motivation was not helping Satan. She stole it from him, piece by piece, over a long period of time, while they were together in the mansion. LONG before the Cabal kicked him out. So she got carried away out of pure selfishness. Or self-preservation. Either or.
I really should have said Daphne. Sorry about that.
I hope you feel better soon.
And congratulations on 800. This comic is a lot of fun. 🙂
Thanks. That is all I aim for.
Well, you succeed. I am for not having fractured comments and that’s apparently hard.
I would love to see another 800 comics 🙂
Since you mention needing to stop and reclaim your time so often I’ve thought about it and if you finally need to do that can we buy a compilation of plot outlines you’ve been contemplating?
Just the summaries. That would be very unsatisfying. Honestly, most of the stories are kinda made up as I go along, with a rough outline of where it’s going, so the summaries would be pretty bare bones. But I want to at least get the wedding arc done. That’s my near-term goal.
One foot in front of the other and at your own pace.
That is the only way to make progress towards your goals.
It can help to have someone walking with you, so if you need anything just say and if we can, we will help.
I appreciate the vote of approval. Just reading and commenting is the lifeblood of this whole thing, really. So thanks.
Does Phoebe get to make the gown?
Uh, sure.
Goody! That’ll make her very happy and really stretch the budget. Take that, Tracee!
I just noticed Daphne’s face in panel 2. Making me laugh, I love it.
I liked her expression in that one.
There’s 62 bars there, that’s worth more than 71 million dollars, since those look to be 400-troy ounce bars.
You are gracious.
Shame, Loonies, please! March 26th prince of gold is 4313.96 CA$. 4313.96*400*63 (thank you for the clear picture of the pile!!!) equals 108.711.792 CA$.
Loonies? Dude, even as a Canadian, I’m not going to pretend our money is real.
And yeah, they are really heavy, they’re about 27 lbs each.
A standard, Good Delivery gold bar weighs approximately 400 troy ounces (12.4 kilograms or 27.4 pounds).
This means Daphne is very strong to carry it like that.
Must be her lupine heritage.
It’s hard to convey weight when drawing. I mean. It might be easier if I ever looked at reference pictures, or something like that, but that sounds like work.
And who would believe it?
Which means there’s around 1700 lbs, or nearly a ton, on that table.
That must be one hell of a strong table.
Let’s not question the table. I realized that no table would ever hold up such weight. But I couldn’t just have them sitting on the floor, could I?
I dunno, I made a table with reinforced steel struts underneath it. It could actually hold a pretty significant amount of weight.
Honestly I feel like she’d be more likely to put the gold on the floor than cart a bunch of huge heavy cinder blocks there though. Especially with her delicate hands.
But aesthetics are key!
Stack of cinder blocks; cheap, readily available and sturdy. That’s why she covered them with the rugs.
Ooh, good answer! Immediately made canon!
Questioning the table is not a good idea.
Ahh, Dragon Sickness. That’s how it starts.
It’s easy to catch after just one exposure.
You just gotta step off it.
Now I don’t know, but I’ve been told, Uranium Ore’s worth more than gold..
Of course then you’ve got Uranium Fever to deal with.
Congrats on hitting 800. Hope you feel better, man.
I’m on the mend. Hopefully.
Great now Daphne’s plans maybe a bit more ambitious in the near future if Puck and others aren’t too careful about reining her in her grounded reality.
Too much funding is dangerous. Just ask many Hollywood directors.
2 things: congratulations on such a monumental milestone, and they say money is the root of all evil.
Well, given the fact that Satan needs his evil mojo back, that is a GOOD thing here!
Hey Gecko, congratulations on 800 comics. Glad to hear that you’re getting better.
I love Daphne’s golden glow.
The golden glow in the four panels (and the shadow work) took about four additional hours. Crazy, no?
But will this new relationship come between her and Taylor a.k.a. Tyler?
Daphne could always gild him.
Best of both worlds … maybe?
fun fact: gold-plated sex toys actually exist. so i guess daphs new found kink isn´t all that rare……
on another note, i´m already looking forward to her plotting the re-enactment of the heist in die hard 3 😉
You know I was channeling a little bit of Samuel L. Jackson’s character in that movie here.
Gild or geld?
Da dum dum tish.
Maybe Taylor aka Tyler can cosplay as a bar of gold?
Daphne would make a good dwarf. Especially a Pratchett one.
Indeed. Nothing better than hiding in some dark mine, surrounded by piles of gold.
Outside, lighting flashes, thunder booms, as Tracee yells “It’s Alive! It’s Alive!”–oh wait, that’s a different story!
But oddly similar…
Congrats on 800! We really do appreciate your creativity and talent, both of which are in short supply these days. Feel better!
Thanks. I am trying. That’s all one can do. Thank you for continuing to read. It means a lot.
EG, happy 800th Puck! I hope you’re getting good weather there. 🙂
It was sleeting today. The good weather evades me. But the good wishes arrive at my door nonetheless, so I thank you.
Gold Lover.
She’s a girl, a girl who loves gold too much.
She loves its touch.
What a cold lover.
Beckons her to take it and rub it in,
Against her skin.
Golden bars have the greatest appeal,
And she’s looking for what she can steal.
For the older girls know it’s addictive,
Worse than crystal meth, so
Daphne Gold Lover.
Furry girl, look out for that bar of gold.
Those bars are cold.
They are cold.
Icy cold.
They are cold.
I can just hear Shirley Bassey’s raspy tones in my ear.
Congratulations on the 800th strip. You’ve kept the series consistently funny for more than a decade, which is something even The Simpsons couldn’t do. Impressive.
I am aided by the ‘once a week’ schedule. It gives me a long window to come up with a solution to both move the narrative forward and also generate a gag. If I did it daily, it’d start to either get repetitive or unfunny.
You know what’s evil. That Satan, having done NOTHING, is still muscular and buff. If I led his life of sloth and avarice, there would be no muscle tone.
Well, he’s not buff, per se. He’s got the standard ‘dude who once was maybe in shape but has kinda let it all go’ body. Also known as ‘dad bod.’ I am able to draw this body shape well because it’s the one I possess.
Oh come on that’s not a king’s ransom. Maybe a viscount or an earl but certainly not high end royalty.
You know what’s shocking? The fact that this pile of gold, which is obviously far more money than most humans can ever really comprehend, is but a sixth the budget of many Hollywood movies. Can you imagine a studio handing over six times this hoard in exchange for, say, “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness”? CAN YOU?!? I can’t.
From the days Kings were commonplace, that much gold would most certainly be a Kings Ransom. I mean damn, how much you think a king is worth?
Well, economic principles suggest that the fewer kings there are, the more expensive they should be. Assuming a static desire for kings of course.
Congratulation on your first 800 comics and looking forward to next 800! 🙂
What would be problem with another 15 years? You plan to die in that time or what?
Well, no plans to die. No. But plans to retire? Maybe.
Also this is a pretty hilarious turn of events in the story. Well done Gecko.
Glad you approve.
On the plus side, she can kill Cybermen with it.
Well, she can kill a lot of things with it.
But think about it. Cyyyyybermen. Isn’t that cool?
Daphne’s reaction makes me think of a line from John Calvin Batchelor’s “Peter Nevsky and the True Story of the Russian Moon Landing”, where the main characters come across a high Party official’s secret stash of gold bars: “I realized it was true, that gold did make you want to pick it up and hold it in your hand, like a little animal.” Hilarious (if at times also tragic) book, BTW.
We are all animals picking up shiny rocks off the ground. It is a universal of the human experience.