I just couldn’t leave well enough alone, could I?
So this begins the new (current) run of Puck, which actually has run far longer than the original. It does a rather odd (yet rather convenient) time jump from the old series to this one. In the comic, it’s a seven year jump. (It was a ten year hiatus, in actuality, but since when does comic time need to match real time?)
It continues in the spirit of the original. Various states of undress? Check. Strained similes? Check. Mild sacrilege? Check.
It’s all there. I think.
Don’t know why, but that final panel nearly made me pee myself with laughter.
The idea is good. The drawing isn’t, but the joke is.
Coling looks way better with beard. And he has a close resemblance to Obi Wan 🙂
Wow, you’re one of the few readers who has ever come out in support of the beard! That’s amazing!
I second that Obi-Wan comparison! He’s definitely my favourite Star Wars character. Not perfect but always remained honourable!
“Hello there!”
“You want to go home and rethink your life.” Best boy.
I just realized something (and with “I”, I mean “my girlfriend who’s re-reading this for the fifth time or so”)… Puck has a picture of Colin from ten years ago next to her bed.
…Is that done on purpose as not to spoil the surprise as to how he’d look in the future or something else?
Just a visual call-back for readers. I wanted it to emphasize the beardy difference, I guess.
And you sure improved in those 10 years!
A little. Even over the past four years, there’s a pretty stark improvement from my early webcomic stuff and my later material. Which is a good thing.
Ha ha ha! With all your talk of Jesus and blasphemy, the automatic ad-generator has thrown up an ad for mormon.org!!!
Well, they’re welcome to pay me a small amount of money if they wish. Glad to see contextual ads are working to their fullest.
As long as I’m reading through, I’ll just say: I like the beard. It is QUITE obi-wan kenobiish.
You might be the first to express anything positive about the beard. That’s a relief.
Yeah. The facial expressions have progressed quite a bit. They are very professional now.
The art took a bit of a step up. That said, even looking back at these comics makes me sort of cringe now, but hey. They were what I could do at the time, so…
At first I was disappointed that I had worked my way through “The Old Ones”. Not disappointed now !
Puck seems to have forgotten the past few years – I praye she has not forgotten her Olde English expletives. (They are pure gold).
There really weren’t that many of the old ones, to be honest. And Puck’s Olde English expletives extended more out of my own oddly antique way with words than any coordinated attempt to give her a unique way of speaking. So I don’t really know whether the olde expletives continue from this point on. Maybe?
No, no. She should never speak in an idiotic, forced manner (Yoda).
But an Antique Curse every once in a while is quite amusing.
After all, many people curse only because they are on the verge of losing control. And at 630 (is this right?) she must have an outstanding repertoire.
Minor touch that I love, the little fang Puck has in panel 4.
They all have fangs when needed. It’s a stylistic flourish of sorts.
As a devout Non-Christian I feel the need to express my complete lack of disgust with this strip! I find it HIGHLY inoffensive, as well as amusing. I hereby find the author of this comic NOT GUILTY on the charges of Heresy, and Sacrilege. The Defendant is free to go. “Thus saith some guy on the intarwebz.” The ComedyHobo has left the building. ; )
I find your lack of faith-based rage disturbing. (Said in Darth Vader voice.)
I have to say, Colin looks 10 times better with a beard.
Wow. You’re probably the ONLY person who has ever said that. That’s … interesting.
10 x 0 =0.
Wait, does that mean that Colin boinked her while she was comatose?
You forgot the thong.
You know what? You’re right. And there hasn’t been a thong in the entire new run of comics. I probably need to address that.
Good way to “string” together the continuity. :3
If I had a cookie to give you for that one, I would.
Puck’s a bit like Rip Van Winkle then. Interesting (although he was out for longer, 20 years.). On the other hand, what’s seven years for someone who’s over six centuries old? 😉
Well, the amnesia version. She was awake and active all those years. And it was only seven years in universe. But a similar kind of idea, yeah.
This is my second time through the whole shebang, and the only thing I noticed ( not a critique, mind you) is that your eyebrow game has seriously evolved!
Lots has seriously evolved. The comics start getting more on model about forty or fifty strips from now, but up to that point I was obviously still finding my feet.