Bartholomew Klick of Ramen Empire did a little profile of Puck that was (GASP!) actually positive! This warmed me heart something fierce, especially due to the fact that any reviews that people have done of Puck have (until now) always trashed the comic soundly. But not this time!
Read the article RIGHT HERE!
Thanks, Mr. Klick. You are kind.
Whenever someone is bitching about something else on the internet, I always checked to see what that person makes. If they make nothing, that’s the stock I can put in their words, unless they make an unreasonable amount of sense.
Are other comic makers trashing you, or just trolls with blogspace? Something to consider.
Keep Puck going. I like it. 🙂
You know what? I’ve never been trashed trashed in a review. It’s more that the reviewers just didn’t really click with the comic, mostly because it just wasn’t their type of reading material. In at least one case, it was quite obvious the reader’s idea of perfection was the narrative-driven manga romance stuff that’s so popular right now, and found the lack of character development in my strip to be a failing. But that’s missing the whole point of a comedy strip: the characters are well rounded but largely static. That’s the easy entry point to the humor. Did Charlie Brown develop into a less whiny, less pessimistic kid over the years? Did he finally work up the courage to ask out that little redheaded girl? If he did, the comic would’ve started sucking real fast.
You’re right, though, in that all of the critiques I’ve received thus far have been from Reviewers with a capital ‘r’, not comic creators. Comic creators (like you) tend to have a different, more open perspective.
What I don’t get is that webcomics are free media, usually made by people with no financial reward. So if you don’t like one of them, why trash it? I didn’t ask for a review, so what are they warning people about? “Don’t spend ZERO money and go check out this guy’s site, because you might possibly waste SECONDS of your life finding out it’s not your thing”? I’m confused by these people.
I worked in newspapers for a little while, and there was always stiff competition over who got to write reviews. Giving opinions is easy, and when you’ve got a platform for doing it, there’s just a touch of godhood associated with it. I get the appeal. 🙂
There’s no accounting for the internet at large, though. None. And a lot of data, even when it is about you, just isn’t relevant. I write a lot of fantasy, and I get criticized because my fantasy isn’t super-literary dramas about victims of i@#$%tuous gang-r$@#s and introverted jackoffery about the smell of cookies on a warm day. It’s technically a correct criticism, but still fairly meaningless. 🙂
That said, who reviews webcomics? I’m mortified of the idea. XD
Mmmm. Cookies.
…did I reply to the wrong comment? Darn it!